Creative Fibre
explores all aspects of fibre craft. We spin, weave, knit, crochet, felt and dye.
Welcome to Creative Fibre
Creative Fibre explores all aspects of fibre craft. We spin, weave, knit,
crochet, felt and dye.
We welcome new members and would love to host you for a session so that you will
be able to experience our lovely craft mornings. Please do contact us (see details
We meet in the Homestead Lounge, Keirunga Gardens on Thursday mornings,
10.00am am to 12.30 pm late January through to early December, including school
The emphasis in our group is on comradeship and passing on skills. Our group
belongs to Creative Fibre Hawke’s Bay and is affiliated with Creative Fibre NZ. It is
assumed our members will become members of the national body.
Advice and tuition is available on club days by our members. On occasions we have
workshops run by specialist tutors.
Our Facebook page Creative Fibre at Keirunga shows work done by members.
Check out the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/creativefibreatkeirunga
For more information please contact our convenor:
Cynthia Growden – email: creativefibrekeirunga@gmail.com
Equipment & Materials
Some equipment for spinning, different types of weaving, knitting, crochet, and
dyeing is available for use by our members.
Membership Costs
Membership is currently $170.
This covers your membership to Keirunga Arts and Crafts Society ($57.50), the hire
of our rooms and all morning teas, use of our equipment and library books.
Creative Fibre Affiliation $27.00 per annum
It is assumed that our members will belong to the national body. This is invoiced
separately by Creative Fibre NZ
NB the combined annual cost is less than a cup of coffee per week.
Night Owls
We have a Night Owls group for those people who are unable to attend the day
meetings. At present this is hosted in members’ homes on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday
of the month (starting Feb). Members of this group take turns at hosting and /or
providing savoury or a sweet plate for supper. Our day members are welcome to
attend as well.
For further information about this group please contact our Night Owls convenor:
SuYen Pharazyn pharazyn@xtra.co.nz